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🌱 @exposition/core

Create an @exposition and use integrations or build custom ones by listening to various events.

Install dependencies

Here are three commands for the most used package managers.
I'll be biased and promote my favorite one first.

pnpm add -D @exposition/core
yarn add -D @exposition/core
npm install -D @exposition/core


The goal of this project is to provide perfect developer experience, when it comes to API mocking. The reason is that API mocking with a large subset of different variations / results is really hard, and I saw a lot of project skipping tests because even thinking about the amount of work and the debugging later on is insane. Okay! Okay! I will stop. Here is a candy to calm down. 🍬

This library is written with the thought that devs never want to leave their IDE and love to fiddle around with code first. Therefore, you can find a lot of examples and descriptions in TSDoc.

Create an exposition 📙

const exposition = new Exposition({
  stage: {
    options: ['🐛 Small', '🦋 Big']
} as const)

You can also cluster scenarios into groups by defining further objects inside the config as stated in the below example. The last option MUST have an options key for internal type inference.

const exposition = new Exposition({
  user: {
    age: {
      options: ['under 18 🐣', '18 🐓', 'over 18 🦖']
    avatar: {
      options: ['no avatar 💬', 'image 🤳']
    auth: {
      options: ['valid ✅', 'deny ❌']
    rights: {
      users: {
        create: {
          options: ['yes ✅', 'no ❌']
        read: {
          options: ['yes ✅', 'no ❌']
        update: {
          options: ['yes ✅', 'no ❌']
        delete: {
          options: ['yes ✅', 'no ❌']
} as const)


The first parameter is a simple record that will define the Schema of your Exposition instance. Feel free to name your keys that describe your Scenario in the best possible way. Also, the first index of the options array will be set as the initialValue of the Scenario.


You can overwrite the default settings of Exposition with the second parameter.

activeSignal all integrations that they should stop their actions@exposition/integrations/msw will reset all handler if this option is set to false
restoreStateSignal all integrations that they should prevent all state restoration handler@exposition/integrations/vue-devtools will not interact with the localStorage if this option is set to false
const exposition = new Exposition(
    // ... your config
    settings: {
      active: false,
      restoreState: false,

Interact with the state

You can use the following commands to interact with your defined Scenario elements:

valuesgetterreturn the current Scenario values
initialValuesgettersimilar to values but will return the initialValue of the Scenario
updatemethodupdate one or multiple of your Scenario values
resetmethodreset one or multiple Scenario elements to their initialValue
initmethodsignal all integrations that you are finished with your setup
getStatemethodget current enriched exposition config state

There are also commands to read and change the state of the overall Exposition settings:

settingsgetterget the currently set settings
updateSettingsmethodupdate one or multiple Exposition settings

Listen on events

You can write handler to react to the following events:

resetwhen the reset method is called
updatewhen the update method is called
initializedwhen the init method is calledwill only be called once
updateSettingswhen the updateSettings method is called

The event handler will also contain the current Exposition.values and Exposition.settings.

const exposition = new Exposition({
  stage: {
    options: ['🐛 Small', '🦋 Big']
} as const)

exposition.on('update', (values, settings) => {

exposition.update({ stage: '🦋 Big' })

// will trigger the console.log
// console.log(values) -> { "stage": "🦋 Big" }

Add an integration

Mock Service Worker is the primary integration and even the reason for this library. Therefore, I highly recommend to start with the msw setup guide first.

You can also create your own integration that levels on the above on events.

A guide how to write a custom integration will follow.

For now, you can check out the implementation of msw

Released under the MIT License